House Fashion and Dance Competition

On the last day of Autumn Term, we were privileged to watch the House Fashion and Dance Show. Girls from each of the four houses, Livingstone, Nelson, Nightingale and Wellington, competed to win the attention, and points, from our external fashion and dance judges. Each house produced a display of themed garments and a series of carefully choreographed dance routines – produced and directed by girls from across all the year groups. The final scores were incredibly close: Nightingale securing victory in the fashion element, Wellington in the dance and the overall winner of the contest was Nelson. To view more short videos from the show, please click here.

#fashionshow #teamtormead #tormead

A video posted by Tormead School (@tormeadschool) on

One of Wellington’s dance routines

#teamtormead #tormead #fashionshow

A video posted by Tormead School (@tormeadschool) on

To view a selection of short videos from the show, please click here.

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