The House Music competition this year raised the roof in terms of enthusiasm and sheer joy of House events. Our judges this year, Mr Michael Hartley (Head of Music at George Abbot), Emily Kekwick and Robyn Porter (both Tormead alumnae) were treated to a plethora of music from the 90s.

Wellington started off the event with their rendition of the Spice Girls hit ‘Wanna be’, setting a trend the likes of which we have never seen before. Nightingale’s lovely performance of ‘Don’t look back in anger’ by Oasis was a crowd pleaser with Mr Keey’s solo being a highlight. Nelson’s whole house song was ‘Alright’ by Supergrass and their fun and enthusiasm was a joy to watch, especially with their inflatable crocodile! Livingstone delivered a beautiful rendition of The Rembrandts ‘I’ll be there for you’ to close the show.

The judges were full of praise for our singers and musicians who put in hours of rehearsal. Their winners, and in agreement with the school, was Wellington. Congratulations to Ruby and Ella, and all the House Captains who worked so hard to provide us with a very enjoyable House Music competition.

Miss Burgess, Mrs Moodie, Mr Keey and Mrs Twinley

Where next?