Leave a Legacy

Since 1905 Tormead has harnessed the power of education to transform lives and communities. For generations our school has nurtured young minds, helping them to grow into confident, capable individuals who go on to make a difference in the world.

By making a legacy donation, you can play a pivotal role in ensuring that this tradition of excellence continues for generations to come.

Give the Gift of Education

Legacy donations have the power to make a profound and enduring difference. Through your generosity you could:

Fund Bursaries: Provide financial assistance to talented students who might not otherwise have the opportunity to attend Tormead.

Support Academic Excellence: Enhance educational programmes, ensuring that our students receive the best possible education in a rapidly changing world.

Improve Facilities: Contribute to the development of state-of-the-art facilities that inspire learning and innovation.

Advance Extracurricular Opportunities: Support sports, arts, and other extracurricular programmes that help students discover their passions and talents.

Why Choose Legacy Giving?

By including Tormead in your estate plans, you are making a commitment to future generations. Legacy giving is an enduring way to express your values, ensure the continuation of excellence and leave a lasting mark on a community that has meant so much to you.

If you are considering a legacy gift to the school, we would be honoured to discuss the options available and ensure that your gift aligns with your wishes. Please contact Michelle O’Brien or Debbie Brookbank at alumnae@tormeadschool.org.uk

Together we can build a lasting legacy.