‘Little Women’ performance

Last week saw the performance of Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women by an amazing cast from the Senior School. Everyone’s hard work paid off as the audience was captivated by the characters, laughed out loud, and kept on the edge of their seats throughout. There was not a dry eye in the house during ‘Amazing Grace’!

The classic story was told through the eyes of children sitting in the audience and the use of chalk animation, together with American Civil War costumes, brought to life the story on stage. A clever use of older and younger versions of each sister guided the audience through the timeless story of Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy as they navigate love, death, ambition and family.

Huge congratulations and thank you to Ms Stevens, the whole cast, and the backstage crew for putting together such a breathtaking and enjoyable production!

Emma, Lower Sixth

Where next?