Tormead Remembrance Day 2020

This past November, Tormead marked Remembrance Day with a myriad of events and activities, themed ‘Everyone Remembered’.

During the October half term break, girls decorated poppy templates, which were collated into a striking artwork montage of Remembrance.  This was followed up by a video charity appeal in support of the British Legion.  Later, Year 9 shared their interactive exhibitions on WW1 with all form groups and Friday’s House activities involved using the British Legion website to delve into their Every One Remembered theme.

On Wednesday 11 November, two of our talented musicians, Emily (Year 11) and Suzanna (Upper Sixth), played a moving rendition of the Last Post & Reveille, leading us into two minutes’ silence.  The Remembrance Assembly (video below) included readings and musical tributes to the more than one million servicemen and women who made sacrifices so that future generations could live.

Where next?