Y6 Step into University Day

Our Year 6 pupils visited the Sixth Form centre last Friday for their ‘Step into University’ taster. We completed a fun quiz which revealed that there are 90,000 graduates from university every year, that there are over 50,000 courses available to study, which includes more unique courses such as surf science and technology, and that graduates can earn £100,000 or more over their lifetime.

One of our Tormead alumnae, Ellen (Class of 2022), who is currently studying Medicine at Cardiff University, delighted the pupils by giving them an insight into what it’s like to be a university student. The girls learned how to use an EpiPen and stethoscope and practiced on each other, without any needles present! Research shows that introducing pathways such as university at primary school age can increase motivation, raise aspirations and judging by the number of questions asked, we think our Year 6s are looking forward to this part of their future.

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