
Tormead is open to all… 

Leaders promote a culture of Respect, Kindness and Inclusion. 

Tormead ISI Report 2024

There’s really no such thing as a ‘typical’ Tormead girl. That’s why we want everyone to feel welcome, included and embraced within our school family. 

It goes without saying that racism has no place within our community and we’re committed to creating a school environment that is intolerant of prejudice and discrimination. In fact, one of our core values encapsulates this spirit: “We treat everyone with respect and dignity”.

This ethos was recognised at our last inspection: “Pupils are tolerant, and respect diversity”. We also formed a Diversity and Equality committee to explore ways that we can increase the representation of BAME students and staff at Tormead and ensure our school remains an inclusive environment for all. This includes continuing to review our curriculum, such as ensuring the teaching of Black histories.

We treat everyone with respect and dignity.

Meanwhile, we’re delighted at the success of our LGBTQIA+ Society – which included a student-led initiative raising over £2000 for the charity Stonewall through events like a 12-hour Zoom Dance Party and a Rainbow Mufti Day.

Of course, Tormead also welcomes pupils with disabilities and specific learning difficulties and is committed to the continuing development of an ‘enabling’ environment and a non-discriminatory culture within the school community.

Our Learning Support Department is staffed by specialists who are able to support girls with specific learning difficulties and provide one-to-one multisensory lessons focused on a girl’s specific needs. Each girl’s lessons are supported with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) which set achievable, measurable academic targets each term.

Above all, we want every girl to know that there are no barriers to success and wellbeing here at Tormead. 

Where next?

Reviews and Reports