Wrap-around Care

We offer wrap around care for your daughter from 7:30am to 6:00pm each day.  

Arrival and Dismissal Times

The first lesson of the day starts at 8:30am 

  • Reception (4+)
    • Registration is at 8.25am.
    • Girls may arrive from 8:00am and a member of the Pre-Prep staff will be there to supervise them.
    • Girls are dismissed at 3:00pm.
  • Year 1 (5+)
    • Registration is at 8:25am and girls must arrive by 8:20am.
    • Girls may arrive between 8:00am and 8:20am and should wait on the playground, where a member of staff will be supervising. 
    • Girls are dismissed at 3:10pm.
  • Year 2 (6+), Year 3 (7+), Year 4 (8+), Year 5 (9+)
    • Registration is at 8:25am and girls must arrive by 8:20am.
    • Girls may arrive between 8:00am and 8:20am and should wait on the playground, where a member of staff will be supervising. 
    • Girls are dismissed at 3:40pm.

Breakfast Club

School is open from 7:30am every day if you wish your daughter to attend Breakfast Club. Our early years staff provide a warm welcome and a healthy choice of food is available. At 8:00am members of the Breakfast Club will move to the playground to join those girls who are arriving and will be supervised by a member of staff. 

  • The club is bookable in advance only via SOCS.
  • A charge of £2.50 per day is payable for this service.

After Care

We appreciate that parents cannot always pick up their children at the end of the school day. Supervised After Care is available every day until 6:00pm 

  • Arrangements and dismissal times
    • Girls in Reception and Year 1, who are not picked up at the usual time at the end of the day will, under staff supervision, be escorted to the Prep School library. There is a good supply of activities and games which are appropriate for all age groups.
    • If a pupil is not picked up from school at the end of the school day, she will automatically go to After Care. Please ring the school during the day, in order to alert staff and ask them to inform your daughter, if circumstances arise which delay your arrival at the school.
    • For siblings of Senior School pupils we offer a prompt 4:00pm dismissal time.
    • Girls may use After Care if they attend after school clubs or activities which do not begin until after the end of their normal school day e.g. a sports club session starting at 4:30pm. If these clubs take place in the Senior School and start immediately after the school day, the girls will be escorted to their activity by a member of staff.

Homework and After School Care Club

All girls staying at school who are not participating in a club will be supervised by staff until 4:30pm. From 3:40pm to 4:00pm there will be time for a snack and break followed by Homework Club. 

Homework Club (No charge) 

  • 4:00pm – 4:30pm Homework Club (all girls will complete their homework supervised by a member of staff)   

Seren Kids (Charges will apply) 

4.30-6.00pm Seren Kids After Care Club is an extension of the school day and aimed at supporting working parents. Children are given the choice to enjoy physical and mental wellbeing activities. Every day is different, with sports and fun physical games as well as creative arts and crafts activities to help the girls unwind and relax after a busy day at school.

  • Parents book directly with Seren Kids
  • The club runs from 4.30pm to 6.00pm and parents can collect at a time convenient for them during the session.
  • Children attending are provided with a healthy snack

End of the School Day

Please note the timings of dismissal. If you are running late, please be reassured that your daughter will be looked after and will automatically be placed into Homework Club and Seren Kids (charge will apply). Your daughter can then be collected at the next available dismissal time.  

The Prep school closes at 6:00pm.

Where next?

