
Care & Compassion

A warm and welcoming environment that makes for grounded girls who want to achieve.” – The Good Schools Guide

At Tormead, we fundamentally believe that pupils can only be successful when they are happy. That’s why pastoral care is the cornerstone of our provision as we strive to ensure that each and every pupil is supported to feel fulfilled, safe and secure within our community.

Our approach to pastoral care focuses upon strong and positive relationships between pupils and staff as well as an open partnership with parents. The relatively small size of our school also makes a difference: each girl is visible and well-known as the individual she is. Through proactive Form Tutors and a dedicated Head of Year, your daughter will be familiar to those who support her best, and the support available will be visible and familiar to her.

Wellbeing is at the core of everyone’s journey, both on a personal and academic front. We aim to help students fulfil their potential and ambitions while equipping them with tools to navigate choppy waters – as we recognise that growing up is not simple.

Tony Breslin, Deputy Head (Pastoral)

Our Wellbeing Centre

Our Wellbeing team includes the Designated Safeguarding Lead, two school nurses, two school counsellors and pastoral support officer and our attendance office, all housed in our purpose built Wellbeing Centre. Together, they provide support in response to specific needs.

  • Our Counsellors are available for a free and confidential counselling service; each girl has access to a number of sessions each academic year
  • Our school nurses are available to respond to acute and chronic medical problems
  • Our pupil support staff are available throughout the day as a listening ear for any girl experiencing upset or difficulty

My sessions empower the individual to take responsibility and exercise their autonomy in finding their own internal wisdom. I help students see they have choices and have the capacity to make wise decisions. Creating an ‘in here’ safe space is also important and the counselling room offers time to press ‘pause’.

Verity Vinen, School Counsellor


Tormead School is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all its pupils and promoting a climate where all pupils feel safe and confident about sharing any concerns which they may have about their own safety or the well-being of others.

The Governing Body facilitates a whole school approach to safeguarding ensuring that safeguarding and child protection are at the forefront and that they underpin all relevant aspects of process and policy development which operate with the best interests of the child at heart.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Miss Hannah Andrews and she is supported by the Deputy Head (Pastoral) and a team of Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads,  Heads of Years and specific support staff. If you have any concerns about your child or about another child who attends Tormead School, please contact the designated safeguarding team via the School Office.

The wellbeing centre provides support from a highly experienced team. 

Tormead ISI Report 2024

Hannah Andrews
Designated Safeguarding Lead


Tony Breslin
Deputy Head (Pastoral) & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Lucy Burrell
Health Care Lead and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Assaf De Courcy Arbiser
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead,
Senior School and E-Safety Co-ordinator
Kim Flack
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead for Prep and EYFS
Cindi Pretorius
Designated Safeguarding Lead (Prep)
Mary Price
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Heather Southwell
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead,
Senior School
Kate Watson
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Where next?

