At the start of each term, pupils cast off their shoes and draw around their feet. Into the template, they write the names of people to whom they could turn to, if they need advice. Pupils are encouraged to consider what characteristics make a good listener. If you are brave enough to walk up to someone and talk, it must be the right someone.
Every class in Prep has its own worry monster. These furry friends sit, reassuringly ready and waiting, should a pupil want to share their concerns. Our pupils know that they can write down their thoughts and pop them into its mouth. Once in and safely zipped, the teacher is aware that someone in their care needs a bit of time to talk
If our pupils have been brave enough to walk-to-talk, or to write a worry, we are determined to give them the right tools to be able to vocalise their feelings. Sometimes, findings the right words to express feelings can be tricky. We do this through the ‘Chatterbox’ initiative.
Chatterboxes have sentence starters and social scenarios to help the words to flow.
At Tormead, we understand that personal, social and emotional skills need teaching thoughtfully and sensitively, to prepare our pupils for life’s ups and down. Weekly PSHE lessons follow a sequenced programme, building upon prior skills and knowledge and are delivered age-appropriately. Pupils are encouraged to make their own, valid contributions in a supportive and respectful manner.
If a pupil needs more support than PSHE lessons can offer, there is the option to see the school ELSA. These weekly sessions can provide pupils with additional emotional and social support.
Our pupils are actively encouraged to make their voice heard and it is important that they know that their opinions count. Tormead Prep School Council is an active body. It is formed of 4 permanent Y6 members, and representatives from every class in the school. This system enables the voice of all pupils in Pre-Prep and Prep to be heard and results in collaborative projects, such as the pupils’ Anti-Bullying Policy. Every year, in Children’s Mental Health week, we conduct a whole school survey to ensure that we listen and respond to all voices, particularly the minority. Our weekly ‘Sparkly Jar of Fabulousness’ encourages pupils to nominate others, and themselves, for acts of kindness, bravery and resilience.
Maya Angelou“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”
We would be delighted to welcome you to our next Open Day.
Thursday 19 September 2024 (Sixth Form)
Friday 20 September 2024 (Prep School)
Saturday 28 September 2024 (Senior School)
To book onto an Open Day