School is open from 7.30am onwards. Girls should arrive at school between 8.15-8.20am, to allow them time to organise their books for the morning lessons. The first lesson starts at 8.25am and the teacher takes registration at the start of this lesson.
If girls arrive after 8.25am, they must sign-in at the Wellbeing Centre with our Pupil Support Officer. More information on the Wellbeing Centre is below.
Breakfast is available from 7.45-8.20am in the Atrium dining room, where girls may buy hot chocolate, croissants, etc., for a small charge.
All girls in the Senior School are welcome to remain in school until 6.00pm, either in their Common Room in the case of the Sixth Form, or in Late Stay for Years 7-11.
Held in two upper floor classrooms from 4.10-6.00pm, Late Stay provides an opportunity for girls to work quietly under the supervision of a member of the teaching staff. It is free of charge and girls may attend for as long or as short a time as they wish, before and/or after extra-curricular activities, either because they cannot be collected at the end of the school day or because they want to complete their homework in school before going home.
Girls must sign in and out with the teacher in charge. To collect your daughter from Late Stay, please contact her directly (preferably via text message – mobile phones are permitted in Late Stay for this reason) to arrange to meet her at the front of the school; alternatively, girls may make their own way home.
Please note that, unless they are participating in a supervised extra-curricular activity, all girls must attend Late Stay if they need to stay at school for any period of time in-between 4.10-6.00pm. We do not provide supervision after 6.00pm, except in the case of a scheduled extra-curricular activity, where the teacher in charge will make arrangements for the girls in his/her care.
Sixth Form girls are permitted to work in their Common Room after school until 6.00pm.
School is open from 7.30am every day if your daughter wishes to attend Breakfast Club. Our Early Years staff provide a warm welcome and a healthy choice of food is available.
We appreciate that parents cannot always pick up their children at the end of the school day. Supervised After Care is available every day until 6.00pm.
After Care Telephone Number: 01483 796073
All girls staying at school will be supervised by staff until 4.30pm. From 3.40pm to 4.00pm, there will be time for a snack and break.
Homework Club (no charge)
4.00-4.30 pm Homework Club – All girls will complete their set homework while supervised.
Overview of Dismissal Times
Please note that these are the timings of dismissal. If you are running late, please be reassured that your daughter will be looked after and will automatically be placed into Homework Club moving to the next available dismissal time. The Prep school closes at 6.00pm and should you arrive any later fees will be charged.