Academic Enrichment

This interdisciplinary approach to learning equips girls for a world where the ability to think critically and to evaluate is valued. Visits to museums, visiting speakers, a range of school clubs, such as coding, art and Science clubs, develop and extend the opportunities for girls to make links between the classroom and the real world.

At Tormead, we are passionate in delivering a well rounded education. Our new enrichment programme, commencing in September 2024, will engage pupils in ‘hands-on’  learning experiences beyond their daily curriculum. The enrichment sessions are timetabled for 90 minutes each week and there will be a carousel of activities for all pupils to complete.

  • Enrichment Carousel

    The following activities are to be taught in the carousel this year.

    • Cooking and Nutrition
    • Engineering
    • First Aid
    • Mindfulness
    • Outdoor Learning
    • Robotics and Coding
    • One term will be dedicated to the following:
    • Fiver Challenge – business enterprise skills – Y5 only
    • Production and theatre skills – Year 3, Year 4 and Year 6

The Beacon Programme encourages the pupils to complete self-directed learning through researching and presenting information on a topic that interests them, beyond (or as an extension to) the subjects taught in the classroom.


We offer a variety of STEM related activities throughout the year. During Inquisitor week, the pupils develop their understanding of STEM subjects through activities linked to science, technology, engineering and maths. We welcome visiting groups and speakers with the emphasis on developing further knowledge and understanding of STEM skills.


We welcome parents or speakers to present topic related ‘Secret Assemblies’ which inspire pupils. These assemblies enrich and broaden the pupil’s knowledge and understanding of the world around the. 

Each class presents an assembly during the year abut a current event or curriculum topic.

Throughout the year, we engage in various events such as Poetry, Space, Parliament and Book Week.

Immersive days broaden and expand pupils’ knowledge and understanding of curriculum topics. Collaborative workshops with our Senior School pupils and local school are thoroughly enjoyed.


Topics can be brought to life through memorable visits to museums and places of academic interest. Viewed by pupils as the highlights of a year, offsite visits support topics and areas of study across the curriculum. This year’s trips include visits to the Mary Rose, Winchester Science Museum, Haslemere Museum, Wisley Gardens and Butser Ancient Farm.

“The exhibits were great because there was so much to look at you could never get bored”

A year 5 pupil’s experience of Winchester Museum

Where next?
