Why STEM matters…

For our Sixth Formers, studying STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects means demonstrating academic rigour and the kind of pragmatic skills always in demand by leading universities and employers. 

Here at Tormead, we’re proud of our STEM provision and the results achieved by our girls in each of these key A Level subjects: 


Biology is one of our most popular subjects studied at Tormead (over half of all Sixth Formers are currently studying it at A Level). Teaching the girls to love our natural world and be inspired by it, biology focuses on the fascinating relationships and interactions that exist between animals, plants and microorganisms.


Chemistry has a global impact in finding solutions which improve human health, preserve energy and natural resources, and help to combat climate change. Studying Chemistry at A Level enables students to understand so much more about the world, from the problems of pollution to the structures of chemicals in the human body.  


Physics is the fundamental science which enables us to understand the physical world – from the largest structures in the universe to the smallest subatomic particles. The amazing analytical and predictive power of physics underpins almost all the technologies which enable our modern way of life. A Level Physics is a gateway to a wide range of technology-based university courses and careers.

Computer Science

Computer Science allows students to participate fully in an increasingly technologically dependent society. Combining theoretical study and practical application, it teaches the skills that would be needed for careers across the whole spectrum of the IT industry.

Design and Technology

Design and Technology is about solving problems: how can we use technology and design to address needs that we identify around us? The subject now centres on the design and making process and specifically covers the area of product design. Our excellent provision includes 3D printing facilities.


Mathematics encourages us to problem-solve, analyse arguments and reason logically. Many of the topics studied have applications in real life, as well as direct links to other subjects and topics. With a strong emphasis on essential algebraic, numeric and geometric skills, girls are encouraged to enjoy the intellectual challenge of mathematics.

Where next?

Sixth Form
