Sixth Form Adventures Ahead – Congratulations Year 11!

I would like to warmly congratulate our Year 11 students on their very well-deserved GCSE results following two years of considerable hard work, determination and commitment to their studies.

Our students should feel incredibly proud of their achievements. They have displayed real tenacity, and these results are a testament to their resilience and effort. I am extremely proud of them, as I am sure, are their families. 

There have been some stellar performances both individually and collectively, across the breadth of the curriculum this year. Tormead of course, is known for producing outstanding results in STEM subjects, and this year has been no exception, with impressive results in Maths (83% grades 9-7), Further Maths (80% grades 9-7) , DT (75% grades 9-7), Chemistry and Physics (72% grades 9-7). Equally strong were our Humanities and Languages departments, which saw three quarters of all candidates achieving a 9-7 grade. 

As we celebrate our students’ achievements today, I would like to extend my thanks to our teaching staff for the significant part they have played in this year’s wonderful results. Our students can enjoy their success and be excited about the Sixth Form adventures ahead. We know what they have secured today at GCSE will take them forward to the opportunities afforded through A Level study, allowing them to flourish, with confidence. 

David Boyd (Head)

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