Benenden Global Schools Conference

On Thursday 28 September we were lucky enough to attend the Global Schools Conference on Inspiring Future Female Leaders hosted by Benenden. Guest speakers such as Her Royal Highness Basma bint Talal of Jordan, Dr Amy Jadesimi and Baroness Manningham-Buller LG, DCB, discussed a wide range of topics including, but definitely not limited to, humanitarian leadership, the effect on women of meritocratic industries and leadership under pressure.

One of the highlights of the day was when Dr Amy Jadesimi spoke to something that we feel is a message frequently discussed within the Tormead community – that justice is in achieving your outcome despite any challenges you may face along the way, with her succinctly summarising this by saying “don’t take things personally, focus on the end goal”. This message was reiterated throughout the day by many speakers as we received key advice on how to become better leaders and rise to the occasion.

It is empowering to know that this event was organised for young women like us who are looking to make a difference. Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal gave an insightful talk on her experiences in the public eye; we were particularly touched by her mention of visits to rural schools where students may have difficulties beyond the classroom that impact their ability to attend lessons. The event simultaneously broadened our horizons as we heard from many inspirational international speakers, but also reminded us of the importance of inclusion to provide the best opportunities for everyone.

The Head Girl Team

Photo: Benenden School

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